UK Time: 08:45

PK Time: 13:45

Emergency Travel Document

Emergency Travel Document (ETD) is issued to the Pakistani nationals for travelling back to Pakistan only in extreme emergency cases when their Pakistani Passport is not available OR they are not eligible for issuance of a new passport / renewal of passport.

The applicant has to submit the proof of genuine emergency for issuance of Emergency Travel Document.

Click the following links for information on Emergency Travel Document:

Emergency Travel Document Fee

Document Type Fee Delivery Time
Emergency Travel Document £7 Varies for each case, officials will decide after examining the case

Requirements for Emergency Travel Document Application

  1. Proof of emergency (for example serious illness or death of immediate family member)
  2. Duly filled and signed application form
  3. Four recent identical passport size photographs with white background
  4. Original Expired Pakistani Passport with its photocopy
  5. In case Pakistani passport is lost, copy of Lost Passport with Police Report confirming loss of passport
  6. Air ticket booking preferably with Pakistan International Airlines (PIA)
  7. Valid NADRA Card and its photocopy
  8. In case applicant is under 18 years old, both parents need to accompany the applicant along with their original identity documents and detailed birth certificate of the minor applicant
  9. An Affidavit stating:
    1. When applicant last entered the UK
    2. In which visa category he / she was granted the entry
    3. Explanation of circumstance of his / her overstay, in case applicant has remained in the UK after expiry of his / her visa
    4. That there is no case pending with Home Office OR Police. IF applicant has a pending case with Home Office he /she needs to produce one of the followings:
      1. A copy of Home Office Letter showing Case Reference number
      2. Home Office letter of refusal

Emergency Travel Document application process

  • No appointment is required for Emergency Travel Document application. You can visit the High Commission on any working day during Consular Services opening hours. You might like to check How to reach us and list of holidays sections before planning your journey .
  • On your arrival contact the Consular Services (ground floor in Building No. 34) and wait for your turn in the waiting area
  • Go to the counter on your turn, serving official will examine your documents and once satisfied will issue you a Challan receipt for payment of required fee
  • Pay the fee at bank counter and go back to the first counter to submit your documents with the fee payment receipt
  • The serving official will receive your documents and will issue you a final receipt and will also inform you about collection date and time
  • Collect your travel document on given date and time from Consular Section
  • Carefully check your particulars on the travel document before you leave