Dear Community Members,
I am sure you are aware by now, how unprecedented rainfall, reported to be the heaviest in 30 years, and the resultant floods have wrought massive devastation in many parts of Pakistan.
While details are still tricking in, preliminary estimates indicate that around 33 million people across 66 districts have been affected. Nearly 1000 lives have been lost, and close to 3000 kilometres of roads and some 150 bridges, in addition to nearly half a million housing units have been damaged. Losses of livestock units, the economic lifeline for low income rural populations stand around 1 million.
Owing to the tremendous loss of life, infrastructure, livestock and livelihood, a state of national emergency has been declared, providing the mandate to authorities to employ extra ordinary measures to mobilize resources and capacities.
The Government, including federal and provincial governments, National and Provincial Disaster Management Authorities, civil administrations and armed forces are undertaking a coordinated humanitarian response. A National Emergency Operations Centre is now functional under the supervision of a National Relief Coordination Committee.
Already, so far, 50,000 lives have been saved, but the relief camps are filling up fast, and reports of further damage and losses continue pouring in from all corners of the country. Rescue operations are hampered owing to infrastructure loss and continuing rains and flooding in many affected areas.
In view of the unprecedented situation, the Government has launched an appeal for international support. The Prime Minister’s Flood Relief Fund 2022 has been set up to channel funds to areas where support is most acutely needed.
In the past, Pakistan has witnessed many a challenging situation. In the face of adversity, we have always pulled together as one nation. The current situation demands of us, a similar expression of solidarity and support.
I appeal to you, as Pakistanis, British nationals of Pakistan origin, and friends of Pakistan, to come forward in this hour of trial, and help us save the flood affectees.
Published on : August 26, 2022
Last Update : August 26, 2022